Topic: Nick Sabatello
I have just received notice that the "Nick Sabatello" Rule has taken a turn for the better. Commissioner Joe Byrne has granted Nick Sabatello a league vote, which will take place in the coming days. Earlier today, Joe Byrne was stubborn, stating in a meeting with Sabatello,"I made my decision already. I can't allow you. I have already been asked by other seniors and turned them down, if I let you in I have to let eveyone else in." During the meeting which took place early today, Byrne stated a number of times that since other seniors, such as Cody Herbert and Mark Castiglione, have asked to join the league..he can not let Sabatello in.
I think this is ridiculous because Nick Sabatello is NOT Mark Castiglione. Mark Castiglione would DOMINATE the XOFL, as would Cody Herbert because he's a freak of nature. Imagine ROG GUILD trying to stay with Mark Castiglione with one on one coverage....or better yet, Jeremy Carter on Cody Herbert man to man... These would be impossible matchups for most XOFL members. However, Nick Sabatello has average speed at best, ranking him right among the rest of the XOFL players.
However, later in the day, Joe Byrne lightened up and granted Nick Sabatello one day to write an speech for the rest of the league to see before making their vote on whether or not Sabatello should be allowed to enter the league. Commissioner Joe Byrne believes that if he lets Sabatello in, the whole world is going to want to join, when all I have heard are names like Cody Herbert and Mark Castiglione. Once again, Herbert and Castiglione would DOMINATE the rest of the field...maybe Joe Byrne should consider any senior NOT with a varsity letter should be considered in the XOFL, hell...any person who hasn't even PARTICIPATED in a high school sport in his four year tenure. The kid just wants to play football for fun, have the glory and fame of being on this beautiful website, and most of all is willing to attend and help out doing whatever needed. He practically begged me for an article spot on the OWBL Website a few years back, and dedicated his life towards it, probably even leading him to fail pathetic Algebra 1B. You would be crushing a kid's dreams by not voting YES for Nick Sabatello...Just let the kid play some football...
Posted by JJ Conrad
at 12:04 AM EDT